

Renee’s Story

WECARE.NZ CAMPAIGN STORY Renee’s Story Dear Hon Penny Simmonds and Paula Tesoriero, I am a carer of two (potentially three) children with challenges such as Autism, Intellectual Disability, ADHD, Anxiety, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Avoidant Food Restrictive Disorder, Sleep-onset Association and Learning Difficulties such as (but not limited to) dyslexia. These are children with high emotional …

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RNZ Morning Report – Concerns over unregulated healthcare assistant workforce

Concerns over unregulated healthcare assistant workforce. They’re one of the biggest workforces in the country – more than 30,000 healthcare assistants are currently working in hospitals, aged care facilities and private homes. But some within the sector say this unregulated workforce is increasingly being used as cheap substitutes for nurses, without the training, recognition or …

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Social Issues Newsroom

Needs assessment services under fire from families. People with disabilities are waiting longer to have their needs assessed, and others already through the system say it is inconsistent and confusing. More people are being referred for needs assessments, and since 2020 they are taking twice as long to be seen. Data provided to Newsroom by …

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Cherie Cawdron Story

WECARE.NZ CAMPAIGN STORY Cherie Story My job is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week In 2003, I became a mother to twins.  My daughter, Holly, was healthy, and my son, Mitchell, was born with a rare disorder.  For the first 2 years of his life Mitchell lived in Starship hospital, mostly in the …

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Allanah Story

WECARE.NZ CAMPAIGN STORY Allanah Story Supporting disabled family carers Allanah is one of the 40+% of New Zealand family carers who have a disability themselves while caring for other family members who are unwell or have disabilities. While the role of family caring is largely invisible and unsung in our country, this is especially so …

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Wendy Slieker Story

WECARE.NZ CAMPAIGN STORY Wendy Slieker Sandwich generation caregiving Life can change in a flash, with none of us immune. No one knows that better than Wendy Slieker and her husband Steve Kallipolitis. Steve, an engineer, experienced a sudden cardiac arrest while out running in 2011. His heart stopped for 27 minutes, leading to a severe …

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Maxine Hall Story

WECARE.NZ CAMPAIGN STORY Family Carer: Maxine Hall “I have two co-existing emotions: exhaustion and dread.” I am exhausted because in the past six years, I have had only about 20 days when I wasn’t a full- time carer, and 14 of those were when I was in hospital with an ankle broken in eight places.  …

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